Tuesday, March 26, 2013

CVS splurge

I'm trying to control my obsessions and limit my couponing to things that we need. :) However, I got some air fresheners at CVS today that we didn't really need, but who doesn't love the smell of warm apple pie in their house? So I did 5 transactions, I felt like a huge nut job, but the girl at the counter said she was used to it and didn't mind at all, she was happy for me to keep her busy. :)


My first transaction was for the Air Wick stuff, I got the air freshener gadget, and two refills for $20, used 3 $1 off coupons, used my $3 extra bucks I earned last week, and spent $13.33 after tax for the transaction...also earning $10 in extra bucks.

My second transaction was for Vaseline lotion. I bought two big bottles of lotion, on sale 2/$12 this week at CVS, and had two coupons for Buy one 23 oz bottle, get one 10 oz bottle free. So I used both of those, got my 4 bottles for $12, and used my $10 from transaction #1 to total $2.17 out of pocket after tax. Also earned another $5 in extra bucks with this transaction.

Transaction three was for Irish Spring body wash for Jordan. This week it is on sale for 3/$9, I had 2 $1 off coupons that I used, plus my $5 extra bucks from transaction #2 to total $2.17 out of pocket after tax again. Also earned another $3 extra bucks with this one.

Transaction four was for a Schick HydroSilk razor with 3 cartridges. Regularly $12.49, but I had a $4 off coupon, and used my $3 extra bucks from transaction #3, for an out of pocket total of $5.96. Also earned another $4 extra bucks with this one.

Transaction five, last one, was for another Schick HydroSilk razor with 3 cartridges. This time I used another $4 off coupon, and used my $4 extra bucks from transaction #4, for an out of pocket total of $4.88. No more extra bucks to use, so I quit there. :)

Total was $28.51 for over $70 in merchandise. I was PUMPED! Yes, I'm now a crazy coupon lady.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Couponing...among other things

Well, as if I don't have enough things to obsess over...sewing, cloth diapers, triathlon training--along with caring for a house with kids and a husband...now I've become obsessed with coupons as well. I never thought it was saving too much by using a coupon until I realized, you don't just use a 55 cent coupon on a $3.50 name brand item at Wal-Mart. You keep that coupon and hunt for when that item is on sale, hopefully finding a store coupon along the way...and then get it for cheaper or sometimes even free. And with the triple coupons at Schnucks, I was totally convinced. So I headed to Schnuck's today, with my 18 coupons in hand, searching the aisles like many other moms I saw. Some had HUGE binders full, others had little handfuls like me. One sweet young woman even stopped to ask a question. I admitted it was my first time couponing as well and couldn't be of much help, but wished her good luck. I was pretty excited to say the least. So I ended up spending $66 total at Schnuck's, but bought produce and other items that weren't a part of my couponing plan. Of the items pictured above, I only spent around $11 out of pocket. I got 4 boxes of cereal, regularly atleast $2.50, for around 85 cents/each. I got a box of Huggies wipes (Huggies are my favorite, I'm not usually a name brand girl--but I have to have Huggies wipes) that is regularly $2.50 or more, for $1.00. Yoplait yogurts are usually close to $1.00/each. I got mine for 45 cents/each. The Dole fruit crunch cups were on sale for $2, but I had a tripled 50 cent coupon, so I got that for 50 cents total. The toothpaste was a splurge, on sale for $2.99, had a 50 cent coupon that triped for $1.50 off, so only spent $1.49 for that one...yay for white teeth. And the Bisquick would have been free for a smaller box--but all the other crazy coupon ladies got to the 20oz boxes first. So I got a 40oz box of Bisquick for $2.09. So I spent around $11 for all of my pictured items, saving $14 or so in coupons. I was quite proud of myself. Our cabinets are going to be packed full if I keep this up. We may need an overflow closet in the basement if it ever gets finished. :) I've been scoping out the printable coupons for more...but I need to stop. I'm good at wasting time on the internet...Facebook, Pinterest, email, and now coupons?! I need help. Aside from my shopping spree, we had quite the eventful day. Ms. Caroline didn't like my computer time as I was printing all of my coupons, so she soaked herself in Cherry Limeade Crystal Light 30 minutes before I had to meet someone to drop off a Sweetest Caroline's order. When I say soaked, I mean head to toe, clothes, diaper and floor soaked. Her hands were stained red, her arms were stained red, her BUTT and back of her thighs were stained red. It was ridiculous! We made it out on time though. Just keeping things interesting I guess. Her interesting-ness continued into the evening. I let her go diaper-free sometimes to air out her bottom. Today she decided to hide behind the buffet table in the kitchen when I wasn't looking, squat on the floor and leave a pile of poo. Now, the upside is I didn't have to scrub a diaper, and she did it on the vinyl floor instead of the carpet. The bad side, before I knew she had done it, I heard the dog licking up something on the floor, and then the smell hit me. I was disguisted! And also amused. Dogs are disgusting creatures. Our older dog loves to roll in poop, anyone's poop--her's, Jax's, the neighbor dogs, other animals, poopy diapers if she can find them--she's a sick individual. So my poop obsessed dogs served up some amusement tonight as well. Jax growled at Maggie as she came to investigate, must have been some good shit, he didn't want her interrupting him. Gross, disgusting animals. Long story short, my house is a zoo, I maintained my sanity (err, something) in the virtual world today, and am now obsessed with coupons. Ha! Goodnight.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

More of the bike

Woke up early and headed to the gym before work this morning. Only had a little bit of time to ride, so I went 3 miles hard, in 11:42. My ride yesterday would have flown by had I been able to ride that fast on the road! It was a good quick ride, got my heart rate going and got me sweating. Only problem is, now I have to work 12 hours...sorry to those around me if I stink. :) I'm seriously considering a new bike, gotta get some orders done for Sweetest Caroline's, save up some extra $, before I can make a hefty purchase like that. I honestly don't know if my mountain bike will make it through my race. The darn chain fell off yesterday after 10 minutes of riding, don't want that happening in a race if I can help it. So, off to work now. More training and blogging later.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Bike Day

Well, today proved to be an interesting ride. April and I went out on our trusty, ahem cheap, mountain bikes for a ride on the roads. I'm quite nervous riding on the road as it is, just because I'm wobbly and haven't ridden on the roads since highschool. But to make it worse we were on country roads, that's right, no sidewalks...riding along with traffic. People fly up behind you so fast you fear for your life as you see cars coming in the opposite lane! But, we survived...the cars and the ride. We headed out of my subdivision, out McNutt street, towards our mom's house. We passed her house and went down into Pevely towards the I-55 raceway. Turned around and came back. Let me tell you, the hills damn near killed us. Our Wal-Mart bicycles were not intended for hill and road riding. I already want a new bike! I'm a wimp, what I need to do is train on the bike more. But I truly believe a better bike would do me some good as well. So we rode 6.4 miles, took us way to long...45 minutes, I used to be able to RUN that distance at that pace. Again, I'm blaming the bike. :) But, at the end of the day, we rode 6 miles, got in a good work out, and had fun. Also, bought myself a pair of racing flats today as well, Brooks PureConnect 2's, only 6 ounces per shoe. My intention is to wear the flats during the bike and run of my triathlon. Got some dry fit socks as well...pretty pumped. I may not be a fast runner anymore, but don't tell me feet that. :)

Monday, March 18, 2013

week 3

Alright, on to week three of training. I havent been sticking to my training schedule well, mainly because lack ofopportunity due to our work schedules. And i have been a little lazy. :) But today after work I headed to the cardiac rehab gym at the hospital, very thankful for the free gym access on work days, and planned to ride and run. I biked hard for 30 minutes, covering 7.6 phantom miles on the stationary bike. Then I hopped off and headed for the treadmill. Ack, I hate treadmills. I had a goal to run for 30 minutes, but after 14 minutes and a slow 1.5 miles, I couldnt bear the thought of 6 more electronic laps on that thing. So i decided to stretch and call it a day. I hope to get outside next time, that always makes the run more enjoyable and bearable! But overall I felt good. I know the bike wasnt the best simulation, because there werent any indoor hills to climb on the simplistic stationary at the gym. And the run could have been longer, but my hands were numb from holding them higher than usual...I dont have the best form anyway, but the treadmill makes it awful. I run too close to the front, hold my shoulders tight and high, and have a shorter, choppier stride than usual. Long story short, I cant wait for warm weather!my legs didnt feel too terribly lead like as I started my run, hoping to keep that up. Overall it was a good day of training. Would like to get in the pool, but the college is on spring break and the pool is closed. The ymca is just outrageously priced for a day pass...$10 for a pool session....no way!!! Oh well, run and bike this week, back to the pool next week. Onto more training planning. And to find a race top. :) Also, I'm lazy and since I types this on my nook without auto correct, punctuation is a mess, haha. Get over it. :)

Saturday, March 16, 2013

More training, and other things...

I'm loving training this week. :) Finding time is hard, but I'll make it work. Thinking of buying a stationary bike, for the days when I can't get outside with the kids. We'll see. Yesterday after work I headed to the rehab gym and rode the stationary bike for 30 minutes, then ran a 1/4 mile on the treadmill, just to see how my legs would feel after biking. Not too bad. But I also didn't ride 9 miles, nor did I run 3 miles afterwards. I'll get there. :) Now to try to get outside to run today. I didn't swim at all this week, hoping to get in the pool again soon. Also, yesterday before work I made some more home made laundry soap. It was quite the mess the last time I made it, the water boiled over and my kitchen was soaked in laundry soap....but it smelled good. :) So this time I decided to make dry soap. I used one bar of Fels Naptha soap, one cup of Borax, and one cup of washing soda. I grated the bar of soap, then added all of my ingredients to the blender and ground it up nice and fine. Added it to one of my beloved Blue Ball Mason Jars...and voila. :) I haven't tried it yet...hoping I like it as well as the liquid. And last, but not least, today is my 28th Birthday! :) 28 years ago the world was blessed with this creation...haha. As a mother now, I realize birthday's celebrate the birth of a person, as well as the birth of a mother. So happy 28 years of motherhood to my momma. :)

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Week 2

Well, so far I've been extremely motivated, and back to extremely lazy all in a week's time. :) Last week I trained 3 days in a row, then had to work a couple days, had a family day, a wedding shower, and basically slacked all weekend. I whined to my training partner that I'd lost motivation...she threatened me about quitting on her, haha. It was never my intention to quit, I just really wish it would warm up, I hate running in the cold. I'd rather run in a thunderstorm than run when it's 30 degrees outside. So I ordered some tri-shorts Sunday, and got back to running yesterday. Yesterday, in 30 degree freezing cold, I pushed the heavy children in their heavy stroller around West City Park. I wanted to run 3 miles, but the wind was about to cause deafness in my right ear, so I went 21 minutes instead. Now, before you worry about my children's well being, they were in huge coats with hoods, and each had thick blankets wrapped around them, buckled into the stroller with the sun shade up to help block some wind. They didn't complain one bit. In fact, they get along better in the stroller than any other time of the day. So my run yesterday ended up being 2.05 miles. Not far, and not fast...but the wind and the stroller slowed me down. I still can't run up a big hill pushing them, I'll get there eventually. Today I was unmotivated after work, but my awesome sister came over, after running with her dog, to run with me again. :) We headed out of my subdivision, into the heavy winds on the outer road...it sucked. I thought the way back would be less windy, since the wind had been in my face the whole way out...somehow that didn't happen. The wind changed direction or something. I ran face first into the wind for 3.1 miles, running to the Prairies subdivision, trying to pick up the pace on the way back. I passed a dead, rotting cat on the way back, somehow I missed that on the way out...gross. At the entrance to my subdivision I wanted to walk, the wind was killing me...but with only 0.3 miles to go, I pushed ahead. I finished in 28:35...a pathetic time for a 5K, but okay to me...second week of training, running in the horrific wind, by myself. Goals for the training: To swim 150 meters in 1:45 To ride 9 miles on the bike in 40 minutes...don't know if I'll reach this one. To run 3.1 miles in 26 minutes. I'd be happy to do all of that seperately at those times, completing it all in those times in one big race may kill me. Think I can do it? I hope so. :) And so my insanity continues...

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


Day 3 of official triathlon training and I'm whooped. I swam yesterday, talk about a workout!!! The pool at Jeffco claims to be Olympic size, 50 meters. I swam about 20 laps. Did three timed 150 meter swims, fastest in 1:45. Somehow I feel like that is fast, so the pool must be smaller than that...I dunno. Regardless, it was hard and I have sore arms today. Last night I bought a bicycle off of Craigslist, $20! Works great, my brother is going to fine tune it for me, it is just a mountain bike, but should work fine for now. I rode it around the subdivision at 7am, in 31 degree weather, cold, and wobbly, but felt good. I haven't ridden since college when we had bike days in cross country. So this evening after work I headed to the cardiac rehab gym at the hospital (free for employees, woohoo!) And rode a stationary bike. Only 30 minutes, but my thighs were burning. Jogged down the hall to get some water afterwards, legs felt like jello, but not too bad. Not sure how far my ride was, the bike didn't have a lot of digital functions. Oh well, better than nothing! I am tired and happy. :) But I do have to say, I'm getting busier by the day...wife, mother of two little ones, L&D nurse, sewing fanatic and aspiring triathlete, among other commitments! :)

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Back on the wagon

Well it has been quite a while since I dedicated any time to my poor pitiful blog, so I thought I'd get back at it. 

Recently my little sister has started a healthy lifestyle routine, eating better, exercising and losing weight...she rocks!  Along with her new lifestyle, we've begun running together again.  I know that some of you may be aware of my past life as a runner, heck, I still claim myself as a runner.  The fact of the matter is, I'm far from it.  Can I physically run, yes. Do I enjoy it, yes.  Do I do it enough, NO!  To call oneself a runner, you must actually RUN, consistently.  That is my new goal.  :)  On March 2, April (little sister) and I ran a 5K (3.1 miles) in the freezing bitter cold and snow...and it was FUN!

We ran a few races back in 2009, and I have slacked since then.  So, we are currently signing up for 3 more 5K's this spring, and I've dedicated myself to running a sprint triathlon in May!  I'm quite intimidated by the triathlon, but also excited for the challenge.  I've mapped out my workouts for the next month, and am hoping with the support of family, I'll be able to stick to it.  A great running buddy from my previous running life has also decided to race in the triathlon. It should be a good time. :)  Now on to finding gear, training, and kicking butt! 

Yesterday, I strapped the kids into my second hand, in fair shape, running stroller and went at it.  Now remember, Brayden weighs 51 pounds, Caroline weighs 23-24 pounds...and the stroller weighs atleast 25-30 pounds!  so I was pushing quite a load in front of me.  And the front wheel is fixed, which means you have to lean it back to turn it even the slightest bit. Our subdivision is also quite hilly, so I thought this to be a great workout no matter how far I went.  I am proud to say that I ran most of my 1.4 mile treck, however the ginormous hill in front of my house about killed me--and I walked!  My goal is to be able to push their heavy butts up that hill while running...we'll see. 

So today I plan to go swimming, should be fun, considering it's SNOWING outside!  I can't wait for summer! I have to swim 150 yards in the sprint tri--not too far, but farther than I'm used to swimming for sure.  Tomorrow I will bike. 

I'm excited about the next few months of training, from what I hear, triathlons are quite addictive, I may just be hooked. :)